
lesson 2 of html

In this post  ypu are learning in this about thml on 5: More on Formatting your Text Hey! We're really getting somewhere! By now i'll bet that you've got a very informative page with a beautiful link to someplace (this site? please?! awww....) on it. That's great, but i'll bet you're hungry to make it look even more beautiful than it already is (or maybe your boss demands it!). Well, read on! Do you like your name to stand out on your pages? I do! On every page i make sure that little v is in boldface. How did I do this? HTML has some special tags that allow us to change the way our text is shown. The one i just used is the <B> or boldface tag. You can also make text in italics with the <I> or italics tag. Similarly, you can underline text with the <U> or underline tag. These tags need both an opening tag and a closing tag, so the format is <I, B, or U>text to be formatted</I, B, or U>. In addition to these regulerformatting tag...

how to HTML learning gull tutorial

Lesson 1 Welcome to the HTML tutorial! Soon you shall be on your way to building great Webpages and vast Websites, but first lets go over a thing or two about what a "Web Page" is, how they work, and what we can do with them. For this tutorial you will need:  An Internet ready Computer  A Web Browser Because you are reading this on a Web Page, I will assume that you have both of these things. Let's jump right in to the Introduction! In the beginnings of the Internet, it was very hard to exchange data. So with great vision, Tim Berners-Lee created a way to connect text on the Internet through Hypertext Links (References to other text on the Internet). This was'nt a new idea, but his Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) was very popular, and caught on better than other developer's projects. HTML was not a "Programming Language" per se, but rather a Scripting Language that marks up the page with formatting commands. Your Web Browser then reads the...
How to Forge Email with Windows XP Telnet Want a computer you can telnet into and mess around with, and not get into trouble no matter what you do to it? I've set up my ( with user xyz, password guest for you to play with. Here's how to forge email to using telnet. Start with the command: C:\>telnet 25 Connecting To 220 <> Service ready Now you type in who you want the message to appear to come from: helo will answer: 250 <> host ready Next type in your mail from address: mail 250 Requested mail action okay, completed Your next command: rcpt 250 Requested mail action okay, completed Your next command: data 354 Start main input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF> Newbie note: <CRLF> just means hit return. In case you can't see that little period between th...

telnet num,tricks of 25

Telnet post if like ho In this Guide you will lelikope What is telnet? How to telnet How to get telnet accounts <begin11c.shtml> Why you might not want to telnet <begin11c.shtml> How to install a telnet server on your home Windows computer <begin11c.shtml> How to turn off a telnet server on your home Linux computer <begin11d.shtml> How to explore computers using telnet <begin11d.shtml> Why not use a portscanner instead? <begin11f.shtml> How to break into web sites using telnet <begin11f.shtml> "Where do I type that command?" People ask that all the time when they read my early Guides to (mostly) Harmless Hacking. I wrote those guides back when the Internet was in its infancy and almost everyone in cyberspace used telnet. However, nowadays you might never even hear about telnet, much less use it, unless you are a hacker. So if you are still wondering about telnet, today is your lucky day. What Is Telnet? Telnet is a proto...

converting movies to psp formating

Converting Movies To Psp Format....... Hey again, this is a real quick guide for anyone interested to get a movie onto there PSP without all the fluff i have seen elsewhere. I just watched Africa the Serengeti on my PSP and heres is the lowdown. Movie - approx 40 minutes - dvd Saved to hard drive - 2.6GIG - using DVD Decryptor (free program) try google Transfered to avi format - 377MB- using Super DVD Ripper (9 FREE trial uses) then you must buy Transfered to MP4 - 37MB - using the (basically free) Image convertor 2 Average movie breakdown - using above as a guide only. so im guessing the average movie may be 4.5gig for example saved to 800MB CONVERTED TO 70-80MB Ok use DVD decryptor to save the movie to your hard drive eg. C:\africa (it will save it for you as described) When completed find the folder c:\africa on your computer and find the vob file in that folder - generally the largest one and right click and play it with your dvd program to see what part it is. If i...

how to NFS tracing by passive network monitoring.......

NFS Tracing By Passive Network Monitoring Matt Blaze Department of Computer Science Princeton University ABSTRACT Traces of filesystem activity have proven to be useful for a wide variety of purposes, rang ing from quantitative analysis of system behavior to trace-driven simulation of filesystem algo rithms. Such traces can be difficult to obtain, however, usually entailing modification of the filesystems to be monitored and runtime overhead for the period of the trace. Largely because of these difficulties, a surprisingly small number of filesystem traces have been conducted, and few sample workloads are available to filesystem researchers. This paper describes a portable toolkit for deriving approximate traces of NFS [1] activity by non-intrusively monitoring the Ethernet traffic to and from the file server. The toolkit uses a promiscuous Ethernet listener interface (such as the Packetfilter[2]) to read and reconstruct NFS-related RPC pac...

computer hacker detail

                Computer Hackers News Articles                          Compiled By                           Bob Krause                    KRAUSER@SNYSYRV1.BITNET      The following is a list of articles that I have found concerning the computer underground in various magazines and news-papers. The list is in chronological order. If you know of an article that should be included in this list or correction, send me the information and I will add it to the listing. Nov 18  '90  Crackdown on computer crime is raising question of computer              rights.              Chicago Tribune pg.17 Oct 29  '90  Users paying big price for PBX fraud.   ...